CWS Church World Service Blankets Sponsoring Congregation - First Presbyterian Church in Goshen (NY) The First Presbyterian Church in Goshen (NY) has been a sponsor for the Church World Service (CWS) Blankets Ministry for many years.

The CWS mission is to support a world where everyone has food, a voice and a safe place to call home.

Online donations can be made through the “Donate to CWS” button below and our church will be acknowledged for offerings received. If you would like to help the CWS Blankets Ministry in other ways, please visit the following donation and social media links below:

Donate to CWS

Our blanket drive this year will be from March 13 – 27, 2022, but donations to CWS are welcome at any time.



For more information, please contact:

Sam Fore (she/her)
Congregational Outreach Specialist | CWS
Phone: (574)206-7846
Mobile: (574)338-2003