LIVESTREAM – Worship Service

Tuesdays, 12:15 to 12:45 PM

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7

All Are Welcome!

What We Believe

We are a congregation of all ages and diverse gifts, united by faith in Jesus Christ and committed to living out the Good News of his love in word and action.
What to expect when you come to our church…

The center and core of our faith is our commitment to God through his Son, Jesus Christ. Our faith is based on our belief that in Jesus Christ, God has good news for the world, and that our best way of living out that good news is in loving one another as Christ has loved us. Confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we shall seek to use our gifts through worship, ministry, and mission, to gather the Church in from the world, to continue to nurture one another, to serve a world still broken, and to exemplify through common values and purposes Christian discipleship to the greater glory of God.

In its confessions, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) expresses the faith of the Reformed tradition. Central to this tradition is the affirmation of the majesty, holiness, and providence of God, who creates, sustains, rules, and redeems the world in the freedom of sovereign righteousness and love. Related to this central affirmation of God’s sovereignty are other great themes of the Reformed tradition:

+ The election of the people of God for service as well as for salvation;
+ Covenant life marked by a disciplined concern for order in the church according to the Word of God;
+ A faithful stewardship that shuns ostentation and seeks proper use of the gifts of God’s creation;
+ The recognition of the human tendency to idolatry and tyranny, which calls the people of God to work for the transformation of society by seeking justice and living in obedience to the Word of God.

Our goal is to be a distinctly Christian, warmly loving, caringly involved, and welcoming family of faith! As a More Light congregation, the First Presbyterian Church in Goshen welcomes all who would freely serve our Lord.

In 1620, as he sent the Pilgrims on their way, Pastor John Robinson said, “We limit not the truth of God to our poor reach of mind-crude, partial, and confined. No let a new and better hope within our hearts be stirred, for God hath strong yet more light/strong and truth to break forth from the Word.”

If you have any additions, questions, recommendations, or edits to this website, please e-mail the church at Thank you!