A ministry of compassion and service.

Moderator of Deacons: Carolyn Keller

Class of 2024
Patrick Ellis
Bill Keller
Barbara Schust
George Schust
Class of 2025
Cecile Ayres
Carol Gabella
Jennifer Serkes
Class of 2026
Diana Bowe
Carolyn Keller
Cheryl Zis
Samuel Fontana

The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ. It is responsible to the Session for the welfare, oversight and relief of the needy and overall service to the church and its members. It is composed of 12 members, and lead by a moderator who is chosen by the group. Deacons meet once a month following worship service.

The Deacons prepare the sanctuary for all worship services. That includes taking care of the church linens and candles, polishing the brass, preparing the baptismal font, serving as ushers (also at funerals) and preparing and serving communion, alternating months with the Session.

The Deacons traditionally provide Palm Sunday Breakfast, host a congregational picnic in June and green the church in December. They also raise funds for the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund for people in need.