A ministry of discernment and governance.

Clerk of Session: Felicia Van Doran

Class of 2024
Marlene Gaynor
George Hankins
Bill Powers
Mal Stewart
Class of 2025
Diane Church
Linda Clark
Jody Kopec
Felicia Van Doran
Class of 2026
Jennifer Ellis
Michael Coyne
Jon Hourahan
Kevan Ottochian

The Session is responsible for the mission and government of the church. It is responsible to the congregation. It is composed of the Pastor who acts as Moderator and 12 Elders serving three-year terms. The Session meets at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

Each Elder is assigned to serve on a committee. There is a Moderator and Vice-Moderator (Session members) for each committee, appointed by the Pastor and confirmed by the Session. These committees are also made up of active members of the congregation. Committees meet monthly.

Elders are asked to serve on one of the following standing committees of Session.
– Worship & Music
– Christian Education
– Mission
– Outreach/Fellowship
– Property Management
– Finance & Administration

Elders are also expected to prepare and serve communion six months of the year, alternating with the Deacons.